This pure white abyss was at the top of my list for locations I wanted to ride on this trip. Lawless square miles with an open throttle and an itchy trigger finger brings together all the ingredients that we are looking forward today under these open blue skies. The salt has a personality disorder where it thinks it’s a mirror…
One CommentCategory: 6 On Asphalt
A measly cereal selection and the scent of waffle batter makes up a generic continental breakfast in our beloved country. I consume one of everything they have to offer, and when fruits are available I snag some for the road. At 730am the table in the lobby where I have my breakfast is lined with empty seats. Not because I…
2 CommentsBeing that we were unable to have our trip go as planned we have changed it so that we plan to hit the salt flats before sunset and stay ’til it gets dark. We knew we would be facing some rain up until 4pm today in Salt Lake City based on what the weather apps were telling us. The plan…
Comments closedPure white salt for miles to our right. Faded mountains falling off in the distance. My bike coasts along this stretch of Utah highway being pulled by a highlighter-orange ratchet strap purchased back home from Harbor Freight in all hopes that this cheap product won’t snap. Gomes’ right passenger peg is directly tied to my left foot peg and all…
2 CommentsWe woke up in our tents for the first time today. The excitement of sleeping in our tents was shared between the 3 of us the night before. I guess the idea of having our own little living quarters where things felt cozy, appealed to us. We wrapped up our things and mounted the bikes and got Marco’s BMW on…
2 CommentsIt fascinates me to no end to find that no matter how far and fast we go, the nuances that make up the human condition seem to always get there first. I’m a high school graduate with a college degree yet only now at 25 has my education began. Behavioral Science 101 is in session every time I walk into…
3 CommentsHindsight is 20/20 so as I write this it’s easy to say that something wasn’t going right; but it wasn’t. About half hour to an hour of riding, the BMW started to feel weak. Similar symptoms to the issues that had arisen before so at the next gas stop we check out the front rim and it’s definitely solid; it…
3 CommentsToday was the earliest we’ve started riding which was great. I installed my new, charged battery, we loaded the bikes and off we went. The day is looking great so far. It looks like it’ll be a day without any bike problems and we’ll be able to cover a lot of ground. The scenery and landscapes continued to drop our…
One CommentWe just can’t get a break. Today we actually got on the road before 10am. Red Rock Amphitheater was our first destination. We pull into one of the parking lots and turn off my bike. As we realize we have to go further up the road I try to start my bike with no luck. Nothing is happening when I…
7 CommentsI’ve never felt so at home on my ride and free as bird, as I did today. There exists a certain level of comfort when a master mechanic such as Clem passes you back the keys to your mount. The first few minutes back on the road are enough to align the rhythm of those 2 cylinders to your own…